Minorities And Smoking Of Mice and Menthol The Targeting of African Americans by the Tobacco Industry
1983 Winston Ad Harbor Rescue Worker Spanish

“Lo tiene todo.”
(Has it all)

Winston advertising sticker

1990 Houston Post Exactly What Are They Promoting 1

“Exactly what are they promoting?”

Column by Juan R. Palomo
Houston Post
May 30, 1991

1984 10 31 El Vocero Winston Ad Spanish

“Winston y Puerto Rico – ¡No hay nada mejor!”
(Winston and Puerto Rico – There’s nothing better!)              

El Vocero (San Juan daily newspaper), page 13
October 31, 1984

1988 04 Hispanic Magazine Raquel Welch Marlboro Ad 1

Hispanic/ Marlboro advertisement

Magazine, front and back covers
April 1988

1985 Winston Billboard Spanish

“Lo Tiene Todo”

Winston billboard
Photograph by Alan Blum, MD
Circa 1985

Targeting Latinos

Video clip from DOC film “Medicine vs. Madison Avenue,” in which Houston Post columnist Juan Palomo discusses the targeting of Hispanics by the tobacco industry

“¿Que haben tu en el placer?”
(What is your pleasure?)
Video clip of Kent television advertisement in Spanish featuring boating/yachting

“¿Que haben tu en el placer?”
(What is your pleasure?)
Video clip of Kent television advertisement in Spanish featuring dancers

“¡avive su gusto…! encienda un KENT”
(Brighten your taste…light a Kent)
Video clip of television advertisement in Spanish featuring airline mechanics

“¡avive su gusto…! encienda un KENT”
(Brighten your taste…light a Kent)
Video clip of television advertisement in Spanish featuring construction workers

1998 07 Hispanic Mag Achievement Awards PM Ad 1

“Hispanic Achievement Awards”/ “Compromiso – Diversidad – Comunidad”
(Commitment – Diversity – Community)

Philip Morris-sponsored article praising Richard G. Polanco, the second Latino in California history to be elected majority leader of the state Senate, and Philip Morris advertisement touting its sponsorship of organizations such as the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility
Hispanic, pages 56-57
July/August 1998