This is the earliest documented instance of on the Wayback Machine. It is a spartan and rudimentary website, more or less a web presence, with its only notable features being the sliding images that link to various articles and the proto-exhibits.
One other important note is a link to the CSTS Archive which was an installation of Archon, clicking on it will take you to the cached homepage for CSTS’s Archon but there is no content on that site. CSTS’s holdings on archon were hosted by University Libraries and were lost when the Archon was deleted during an update to UA libraries’ content management system.
These pages regrettably have little to no media content on them, due to the nature of the Wayback Machine’s capture methodology which doesn’t retain most secondary media elements and never any third-tier media elements. Most of the material is still hosted on and we can tell what was there due to the captions and broken filenames featured on the pages. The Wayback Machine only produces a cached version of the site compressed and stored on a server.
There are twelve collections on the site at this time and you can see the image file load failures beginning here. The twelve are: