Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society
College of Community Health Sciences | University of Alabama
College of Community Health Sciences | University of Alabama
Alan Blum, MD
Professor and Gerald Leon Wallace, MD, Endowed Chair in Family Medicine
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
In July 2019 the University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society marked its 20th anniversary. As the founding director and the Gerald Leon Wallace, MD, Endowed Chair in Family Medicine, I am proud to report that 2018-2019 has been the most fulfilling and productive in the Center’s history.
In February, the Center’s digital archivist Kevin Bailey (Masters in Public History, University of North Alabama) was appointed collection manager, succeeding Mary Clare Johnson, MLIS, who accepted a position with the Alabama State Archives. Under their direction, and with the assistance of graduate students Mark Usry and Hannah Hurdle from the School of Library and Information Studies, we have accelerated the digitization of our vast historical collection on cigarette marketing, the tobacco industry and its allies, and the anti-smoking movement. The collection is divided into more than 50 themes, including“Tobacco Industry Sponsorship of Sports,” “Universities and the Tobacco Industry,” “Pharmacies and Tobacco,” “E-Cigarettes,” ”Hospitals and Smoking,” and “Women and Smoking.” This trove of material—the largest and most comprehensive at any university–consists of hundreds of thousands of rare, often ironic, and always compelling promotional artifacts; in-context advertisements; anti-smoking posters and stamps from around the world; tobacco industry shareholder reports and in-house publications; one-of-a-kind photographs; 50 years of original newspaper, trade press, and medical journal coverage of tobacco problems; books and pamphlets; editorial cartoons; correspondence and taped interviews with hundreds of anti-smoking activists, journalists, government officials, and industry executives.
Between 1999 and 2014, the Center produced eight exhibitions that were on view at museums across the country. Cartoonists Take Up Smoking, supported by the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists and the Herblock Foundation, was on view for one year at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, DC, where it was also seen by attendees at the World Conference on Tobacco or Health. Up in Smoke: The Flight Attendants’ Fight for Clean Air Aloft, was shown at the Lewis A. Turpin Museum of Aviation at the San Francisco International Airport and the Southern Museum of Flight. The Surgeon General vs. The Marlboro Man: Who Really Won? was on view in 2014 at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library (and supported by the American Cancer Society) after debuting at the Gorgas Library of the University of Alabama.
The decision to shift from museum exhibitions to online exhibitions was made in order to reach a global viewership. In June 2018 following the debut in April 2018 of the Center’s first online exhibition, Big Tobacco in the Big Apple: How New York City Became the Heart of the Tobacco Industry…and Anti-Smoking Activism, we released Smoking in the Balcony Only: When Movie Stars Sold Cigarettes. To accompany the exhibition, an original film of smoking scenes in movies from the 1930s to the 1950s, Puff Your Cares Away…, premiered at the annual conference of the Theatre Historical Society of America in Detroit.
Other exhibitions include
The Center produced two original peer-reviewed research posters and four original peer-reviewed presentations for the National Conference on Tobacco or Health in Minneapolis.
Utilizing the lessons learned from nearly five decades of attempting to counter the use and promotion of tobacco products, in recent years I have mentored student research projects to address the parallel rise in tanning bed use and malignant melanoma in young women (The Tanning Bedlam Project); the increase in alcohol marketing targeted to college students; universities’ and high schools’ conflicted role in counteracting the increase in adolescent obesity; In October 2018, as the first Carlos Valbona, MD, Memorial Lecturer at the Texas Institute of Rehabilitation and Research I presented, Polio: Forgotten but Not Gone and to discuss the growing threat to public health by the anti-science, anti-vaccination movement and the re-emergence of once-eradicated infectious diseases In February 2019, I was the invited speaker at the Los Angeles Pediatrics Society’s quarterly meeting, where I spoke on the ABC’s of E-cigarettes. In May, I was also invited to speak on e-cigarettes at the annual conference of the American College Health Association. University of Alabama Catherine J. Randall Scholar and Computer-based Honors Program premedical student Tom Gruchala and I have created a second original research poster, as well as a website to raise awareness among university administrators, students, and physicians of the alarming rise in digital media addiction and adverse physical and mental health effects among college students.
I wish to thank the University of Alabama, the College of Community Health Sciences, and our benefactors, advisors, and participants for their ongoing support of this unique historical resource on tackling the single most preventable cause of death and disease of the 20th and 21st centuries.
The mission of the University of Alabama Center for Study of Tobacco and Society, founded by Alan Blum, MD in 1999, is to explore, investigate, compare and contrast the historical and contemporary aspects of the tobacco issue and the role and influence of tobacco in society through an interdisciplinary approach that involves research, professional education, and community outreach. The Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society serves as an international resource on tobacco issues.
Alan Blum, MD
Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Gerald Leon Wallace, MD, Endowed Chair in Family Medicine
College of Community Health Sciences
Kevin Bailey, MA
Collections Manager
Digital Archivist
Mary Clare Johnson, MA
Collections Manager, Former
Eric Solberg, MS
University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston
Associate Dean
University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Medical Activism Advisor
Edward Anselm, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Medical Director
EmblemHealth, New York City
Smoking Cessation Advisor
Robert Riter, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
Archives Advisor
Mark Usry
Graduate Student
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Alabama
Hannah Hurdle
Graduate Student
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Alabama
Tomasz Gruchala
Undergraduate Honors Student
Catherine J Randall Research Scholar
University of Alabama
Mrs. Celia Wallace, Alan Blum MD, and the portrait of Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Leon Wallace, at Springhill Medical Center, Mobile, Alabama. Dr. Wallace, founder of the medical center, was a compassionate and innovative leader in patient care.
Rick Richards, MD and Alan Blum, MD (along with Thomas Houston, MD) are awarded the Surgeon General’s Medallion in 1987 by Dr. C. Everett Koop, for their pioneering efforts to inspire the medical profession to counter the tobacco pandemic
The University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society is supported by grants from Mrs. Celia Wallace and the Richards Family Foundation. Mrs. Wallace is chair of the board of directors of Springhill Memorial Hospital in Mobile, Alabama, and a leading advocate for disease prevention and community health. Dr. Lee Wallace, PhD, son of Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Wallace, is the chief executive officer of Southern Medical Health Systems the parent company of Springhill Medical Center. Dr. Rick Richards of Augusta, Georgia, is a family physician and medical activist who has created innovative health care cost-containment programs and health-related companies.
Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society: Multimedia Exhibitions
The Pharos
Jack Coulehan, MD
Summer, 2019
Put down that smart phone at least for a little while
Tuscaloosa News
Larry Clayton
January 28, 2019
WHO calls on governments to enforce bans on all tobacco or e-cigarette advertising and sponsorship in sports events
David Palacios Rubio
Why is the British Museum still accepting tobacco sponsorship?
The Art Newspaper
Martin Bailey, Helen Stoilas
April 2, 2019
Scholarly Activism: The Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society
On Rounds
Leslie Zganjar
Spring, 2019
E-cigarette us rises in young adults as combustible cigarette use declines
The Cancer Letter
Alex Carolan
September 27, 2019
UA Professor Shares Tips On Buying And Applying Sunscreen
Savannah Bullard
July 2, 2019
An anti-crash course for college students: Digital Media Addiction 101
The Birmingham News
Alan Blum MD, Thomasz Gruchala
August 19, 2019
▼ Click the images below to visit the Exhibitions ▼
AMA – The Unfiltered Truth About Smoking and Health: The American Medical Association Rewrites Tobacco History
April 2019
Digital Media Addiction
May 2019
DOC Doctors Ought to Care: Twenty Five Years of Activism 1977-2002
Like Father, Like Son: Smoking as a Family Tradition
May, 2019
Minorities and Smoking: Of Mice and Menthol – The Targeting of African Americans by the Tobacco Industry
May, 2018
Museum Malignancy: Tobacco Industry Sponsorship Of The Arts
June, 2019
Big Tobacco in the Big Apple: How New York City Became the Heart of the Tobacco Industry …and Anti Smoking Activism
Merry X-Ray and a Happy New Lung: When Santa Sold Cigarettes
November, 2018
Silk Cut: Surrealism as Subversion
July, 2019
Stamping Out Smoking: Anti-Smoking Stamps from Around the World
October, 2018
Wedded to Smoking
May, 2018
The Makin’s of a Nation: Tobacco & World War I
November, 2018
Tanning Bedlam
January, 2019
Minorities and Smoking: Of Mice an Menthol The Targeting of African Americans By the Tobacco Industry
Alan Blum, MD
National Conference on Tobacco or Health
Smoke ’em if you got ’em: The failure of the military to curb cigarette smoking among servicemen and women
Alan Blum, MD
National Conference on Tobacco or Health
Ongoing Relationships Between the Tobacco Industry and Universities: An Insidious Obstacle to Tobacco Control
Alan Blum, MD
National Conference on Tobacco or Health
The Philip Morris Genome Project: A Strategy for Tracking and Addressing Troubling Collaborations with the World’s Largest Cigarette Company
Alan Blum, MD
National Conference on Tobacco or Health
Digital Media Addiction: An Emerging Problem Among College / Students Zombie Apocalypse or Simply a Generation in Denial?
Tomasz Gruchala, Alan Blum MD
Mental Health Consequences of Digital Media Addiction: Is Technology Diminishing Our Happiness?
Tomasz Gruchala, Alan Blum MD
From Anti-Smoking Activist to Archivist… and Back Again: How Exhibitions on the History of Tobacco Control Are Helping to Educate a New Generation / Highlights of Six Exhibitions
Alan Blum MD
The Filter Fraud: Debunking the Myth of Safer as a Key New Strategy of Tobacco Control
Alan Blum MD, Thomas E. Novotny MD MPH
Approaching the Patient Who Smokes: The Family Physician’s Role in Successful Smoking Cessation and Relapse Prevention
Alan Blum MD
September 10, 2019
A Bedside
Conversation with Wilder Penfield
Alan Blum MD
May 13, 2018
Enmeshed in Metaphor: The Scientific, Philosophical, and Satirical Essays of Samuel Vaisrub, MD
Alan Blum MD
April 12, 2019
The ABC’s of Smoking and E-Cigarettes: What we need to know and do about the number one addiction on campus
Alan Blum MD
May 29, 2018
The Fading Art of Observation
Alan Blum MD
July 30, 2019
Minorities and Smoking: Of Mice an Menthol The Targeting of African Americans By the Tobacco Industry
National Conference on Tobacco or Health
Alan Blum, MD
August 27, 2019
Smoke ’em if you got ’em: The failure of the military to curb cigarette smoking among servicemen and women
National Conference on Tobacco or Health
Alan Blum, MD
August 27, 2019
Ongoing Relationships Between the Tobacco Industry and Universities: An Insidious Obstacle to Tobacco Control
National Conference on Tobacco or Health
Alan Blum, MD
August 28, 2019
Folk art? Outsider art? Raw art? Visionary art? The Extraordinary Scrolls of Frank Calloway
The Art of Medicine Rounds
Alan Blum, MD
April 4, 2019
Seeing Patients: The Sketchiest Details
The Art of Medicine Rounds
Alan Blum, MD
August 1, 2019
An Afternoon of Advocacy & Artistry in Family Medicine
Resident Grand Rounds
Alan Blum, MD
August 23, 2018
TIRR Memorial Hermann Offers One of the Nation’s Premiere Post-Polio Clinics
Carlos Vallbona Lecture Series
TIRR Memorial Hermann
October 11, 2018
The Fifteenth Annual J. Willis Hurst History of Medicine Symposium
Emory Medical Alumni Weekend
Alan Blum, MD
October 20, 2018
Promotional Video for the Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society
Blum A, Burks C. Puff Your Cares Away: Smoking and the Silver Screen. Premiere at the Theatre Historical Society of America Annual Conference. Detroit, Michigan, June 19, 2018.
Previewed at The Art of Medicine Rounds, College of Community Health Sciences, June 7, 2018.
Premier screening at the annual conference of the Theatre Historical Society of America, Chrysler Black Box Theatre, Detroit Opera House, June 19, 2018.
March 1, 2018
In this day and age, technology is constantly evolving, but new studies show it could be physically harming us. Dr. Rick Streiffer sits down with Dr. Alan Blum, a family physician at the University Medical Center, about the addiction we’re seeing to phones, devices and computer screens.
Streiffer notes that the creation of the smart phone and computers has been a remarkable addition to our society with all the benefits it has brought. But as he looks around, he realizes people are addicted, and they are ignoring other people because of it. (More…)
I love Joe Camel!
Cartoonists Take Up Smoking
Kevin Bailey
Old Golden Age of Cinema
Smoking in the Balcony Only: When Movie Stars Sold Cigarettes
Kevin Bailey
UA Professor’s Exhibition Bites into Tobacco’s Influence in the Big Apple
Media Release
Inside UA
May 9, 2018
Online Exhibition Examines Tobacco Companies’ Targeting of Minorities
Media Release
Inside UA
October 30, 2018
UA Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society Marks the 100th Anniversary of the End of World War I with an Exhibition on Smoking in the Military
Media Release
November 11, 2018
University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society releases – Museum Malignancy: Tobacco Industry Sponsorship of the Arts
Media Release
July 4, 2019
Like Father Like Son: University of Alabama Tobacco and Society Posts New Exhibition on Smoking as a Family Tradition
Media Release
June 14, 2019
Richard Friend, MD
Dean, College of Community Health Sciences, (CCHS)
Melani Harrell
Administrative Secretary
Department of Family, Rural, and Internal Medicine, CCHS
Allison Arendale, MPA, CPA
Director of Financial Affairs, CCHS
Johnathan Bean, PhD
Professor of History
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Leslie Zganjar, MPA
Director of Communications, CCHS
Nelle Williams, MLIS
Director, Medical Library, CCHS
Andrea Wright
Medical Librarian, CCHS
Pamela Ewing, MLIS candidate
Medical Librarian, CCHS
Jacqueline Cochrane
Library Assistant, CCHS
Benjamin Rapaport
Antiquarian Tobacciana
Sam, David, Leon and Doris Blum
Steven MacCall, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
Greg Randall
CCHS Webmaster
Craig Remington
Cartographic Lab Supervisor
Department of Geography
The University of Alabama
Allison Leitner
Director of Advancement
University of Alabama
Nathan Schachtman, Esq.
Science and Law Advisor
Alan Blum, M.D., Director
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