The 1964 Surgeon General’s Report
The Legacy of the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health – Alan Blum (1:01)
On January 11, 1964, at a crowded press conference in Washington, D.C., United States Surgeon General Luther Terry released Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States. Two years earlier, Dr. Terry was asked by President John F. Kennedy to appoint a committee to scrutinize the medical and public health literature on the health consequences of smoking. The report’s unequivocal conclusion that cigarette smoking caused lung cancer and other diseases was supposed to end the debate about the dangers of tobacco that had raged for decades, if not centuries.
Video clip of press conference given by U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry, MD, on January 11, 1964, to announce the findings of the Report on Smoking and Health, which concluded that cigarette smoking was the main cause of lung cancer. (0:30)
From CBS Reports – Cigarettes: A Collision of Interests (Click for Full Video)
April 15, 1964