Stamping Out Smoking


This exhibition is dedicated to Dr. James Lutschg, who has led the campaign for a US anti-smoking stamp; to Julia Purpera, Dr. K. Michael Cummings, and Anthony Brown of Roswell Park Cancer Institute, who helped organize the campaign and enhance the exhibition in 2010; and to the late Dr. Jeff Terry and the late Dr. Ron Davis (president of the American Medical Association 2007-2008), who galvanized the involvement of the AMA in the campaign.

Jeff Terry

William Jefferson Terry, MD (1953-2015)

A leader in the effort to put Surgeon General Luther Terry on  a U.S. Postage Stamp

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Micheal Terry and Alan Blum holding Mock Stamp featuring Surgeon General Luther Terry

Michael Terry with Alan Blum holding a proposed stamp featuring Luther Terry


Michael Terry - With Alan Blum at CSTS

Michael Terry with Alan Blum on a visit to the Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society


Michael Terry photo with parents

Michael Terry with his father Surgeon General Luther Terry and his mother Janet

Associated Press
Wire Service Photo

“When I see people smoking, I often engage them in dialogue, and I find that most of them either don’t want to quit or have given up trying. It sounds unbelievable, but if you stopped people on the street and asked how many Americans smoke cigarettes, literally no one would guess that there are still 40 million smokers. We spend so much money on bench laboratory research trying to get a cancer cure, when the single most powerful thing we can do to save Americans from disease, death, and disability would be to stop smoking. I sincerely hope that efforts will continue to press the US Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee to issue a postage stamp about the most important public health document of the 20th century.”

Michael Terry, Memphis business leader and son of Surgeon General Luther Terry, MD,
Interviewed on January 7, 2019