Tobacco Advertising on TV and Radio
Television Commercials
“Get the honest taste of a Lucky Strike”
Video clip of television advertisement
“Where there’s a man, there’s a Marlboro”
Video clip of television advertisement
“Announcing Spring filter cigarettes!”
Video clip of television advertisement
Beech-Nut Foil Pack
Video clip of Beech-Nut chewing tobacco television advertisement
“Kent cartons make wonderful Christmas gifts”
Video clip of television advertisement featuring Dick Van Dyke
Circa 1962
“For the best combination of filter and good taste, Kent satisfies best”
Video clip of television advertisement featuring Dick Van Dyke
Circa 1962
“I told her Kent satisfies best”
Video clip of television advertisement featuring Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore
Circa 1962
“Dick and I have something to show you”
Video clip of Kent television advertisement featuring Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore
Circa 1962
“Next time you buy a carton of cigarettes I wish I could be there”
Video clip of Kent television advertisement featuring Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore
Circa 1962
“You mean I just show ’em the Micronite filter and take a puff and everybody’ll know Kent satisfies best?”
Television advertisement for Kent cigarettes featuring members of the Dick van Dyke show cast.
Circa 1964

Alan Blum, M.D., Director
© Copyright - The Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society