Tobacco Advertising on TV and Radio
Television Commercials
“Why did you take my last Kent?”
Video clip of television advertisement featuring Dick Van Dyke
Circa 1964
“Which of the top ten filter brands do you think you should smoke?”
Video clip of Kent television advertisement featuring Dick Van Dyke
Circa 1964
“Which do you like the best?”
Video clip of Kent television advertisement featuring Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore
Circa 1964
“Now a totally new menthol cigarette – Paxton”
Video clip of Philip Morris television advertisement
June 1963
“Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country.”
Video clip of television advertisement
“Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch!”
Video clip of television advertisement
“Honest To Pete tobacco flavor”
Video clip of television advertisement
“There’s a wonderful world of softness, a wonderful world of freshness. It’s the wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world of Salem cigarettes”
Video clip of television advertisement
“Here’s the cigarette that gives you what you want most from smoking – plenty of smoothness and rich taste”
Video clip of York television advertisement
“Do you smoke a pipe?”
Video clip of India House Mixture pipe tobacco television advertisement

Alan Blum, M.D., Director
© Copyright - The Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society