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The Belgian Soldiers’ Tobacco Fund

“The Silent Appeal”

“The one luxury for which the Belgian soldier craves every minute of everyday is a ‘smoke,'” reads this booklet filled with receipt coupons for contributions for a 25 cent donation (about 5 dollars in 2017.)10 The Belgian Soldiers’ Tobacco Fund was among the earliest tobacco funds in the United States. Administered by the Over-Seas Club in England, the fund sent packages containing 50 cigarettes to the 200,000 Belgian soldiers resisting the German onslaught.11


“The King himself wrote by his own hand…”

From: “The Silent Appeal!”
Read by: Jean-Luc Robin, France

The King himself wrote by his own hand: “I am very glad to see my name associated with those who devote themselves for the good and comfort of my brave soldiers.” And frequently the King himself distributes in the trenches with his own hands the gift parcels of “smokes.”

The Royal Household of Belgium have again and again expressed their grateful thanks to the people of the United States whose generosity has provided so much vitality-needed comfort for the Belgian soldiers. The United States is regarded as the special protector of little Belgium.

“I am very grateful for it not only allows us to smoke…”

Quote from: Yvon Bandoux
From: “The Silent Appeal!”
Read by: Jeroen Nuyens, Belgium

Excuse me for not answering you in English, but the few words I know do not allow me. I received a pack of tobacco and cigarettes thanks to your generosity. I am very grateful for it not only allows us to smoke, but it proves that everyone is thinking about us and helps us with our victory.

My sincere thanks,
Yvon Bandoux

“The Queen’s Thanks”

From: “The Silent Appeal!”
Read by: Deproux L. Kadji, Ivory Coast

Mr. President,

In accordance with Her Majesty the Queen’s directives, I have the honor to acknowledge the proper receipt of the 50 boxes of cigarettes that you sent to Her on behalf of your Committee.

It is my pleasure to renew to you as well as to all your devoted collaborators, Our Sovereign’s most profound gratitude. She is deeply touched by the concerns that you express for the Belgium soldiers at the front.

Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Aide-de-Camp to the King