Your Drug Store and Cancer Center
Pharmacies and Drug Store Chains That Sell Cigarettes
Pharmacies and Drug Store Chains That Sell Cigarettes
It is stunning and sobering to consider that more pharmacies sell cigarettes today than 35 and 25 years ago. Independent pharmacies, most of which had stopped selling tobacco products by the 1990s out of concern for their customers’ health, have largely been bought out by the chain drugstores, notably CVS and Walgreens. Although CVS stopped selling cigarettes in 2014, Walgreens has remained unmoved by pleas to end its tobacco product sales even as it describes itself as a partner in health care. More pharmacies are being installed in grocery stores by supermarket chains such as Kroger, Publix, Safeway, and Walmart, and supermarket pharmacies now account for more than 12% of retail pharmacy prescriptions. On a more encouraging note, Wegmans stopped selling tobacco products in 2008 in the interest of public health, and Hannaford’s followed suit in 2015. Target’s decision to end cigarette sales in 1996 was brought about by the increasing cost of compliance with laws curbing sales to minors.
Organized efforts to end tobacco sales in pharmacies have been few and far between. California pharmacist Fred Mayer (1933-2019) began crusading for tobaccofree pharmacies in the 1970s. DOC (Doctors Ought to Care) joined the effort in the 1980s, and beginning in 1996 the California Medical Association’s Pharmacy Partnership Project campaigned to get independent pharmacies to drop tobacco products. After more than 70% of independent pharmacies had stopped selling cigarettes, the project changed its name to Prescription for Change to focus on pharmacy chains. One ad aimed at getting physicians and patients to patronize pharmacies that do not sell tobacco products highlighted the hypocrisy of those that do: “They sell your patients the cure for a persistent cough on Aisle 8…and the cause on Aisle 14.” Prescription for Change was funded by the California Tobacco Control Program, which was established in 1988 following a state referendum to dedicate an additional 25 cents per pack excise tax on cigarettes to prevent and reduce tobacco use. From 2010 to 2015, TobaccofreeRx, an interdisciplinary group of pharmacists, pharmacy school faculty and students, nurses, and physicians, worked to end the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies.
“Your Drug Store and Cancer Center” (02:25)
Video of art installation by Alan Blum, MD at Buffalo Museum of Science, Fall 2009
Videographer: Paul Hage, MFA
Project Director, Health Communications Resource
Department of Health Behavior
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Buffalo, New York
“We sell only FDA-approved tobacco products: one-stop shopping for all your prescription, cigarette, and chemotherapy needs” (02:28)
Video by Heather Hoffman, MD at the National Conference on Tobacco or Health, Phoenix, Arizona
August 2009
– Chronological Bibliography –
The Sale of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products in Pharmacies
Articles in peer-reviewed pharmacy journals
Newspaper and magazine articles
Articles in peer-reviewed medical and public health journals
Pharmacy trade publications
Marketing and trade publications
Generated by Nelle Williams, MSLS, Library Director, Health Sciences Library, College of Community Health Sciences, University of Alabama
Assisted by Sharon Glenn, Senior Library Assistant, Health Sciences Library, College of Community Health Sciences, University of Alabama
Edited by Alan Blum, MD, Director, University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society
Updated by Ashley Weems, Student Pharmacist, Auburn University, James I. Harrison School of Pharmacy
Cigarettes, Chewing Tobacco, and Nicotine gum for sale at various CVS locations
Alan Blum, MD
Commentaries on CVS and Tobacco
David Hill, MD; Jon O. Ebbert, MD; Debra Patt, MD
Family Practice News
February 15, 2014
Abusive Prescribing of Controlled Substances – A Pharmacy View
Mitch Betses R.Ph. Troyen Brennan, MD M.P.H.
The New England Journal of Medicine
September 12, 2013
Abusive Prescribing of Controlled Substances
Alan Blum MD, Vinayak Jah MD
The New England Journal of Medicine
December 5, 2013
Tobacco displays at Eckerd pharmacies
Photograph and Postcard
Tobacco displays at Walgreens pharmacies
Circa 2003
Walgreen Fights Tobacco Sales Ban
Article by Ann Zimmerman in The Wall Street Journal
September 10, 2008
Walgreen to Toughen Policies on Tobacco
Article from Bloomberg News in The Los Angeles Times
February 14, 2002
Take Good Care of Yourself
Advertisement for Walgreens in Parents magazine
You’re Not Alone
Advertisement for Walgreens
2016 Aldi: refreshing lack of cigarettes on sale – Jonathan Rawle’s Website. Accessed June 21, 2021.
Karolefski J. Grocery operators’ pharmacy foothold poised to expand. Drug Store News. Published July 27, 2019. Accessed June 21, 2021.
Lisa Saxton. WAL-MART DROPPING TOBACCO FROM ALL 122 CANADIAN STORES. Supermarket News. Published December 31, 2011. Accessed June 21, 2021.
Tobacco Free Pharmacies. Counter Tobacco. Accessed June 21, 2021.
Target Stores to Stop Selling Cigarettes. Los Angeles Times. Published August 29, 1996. Accessed June 21, 2021.
Valigra L. Hannaford to stop selling tobacco products in all stores in the Northeast. Bangor Daily News. Published July 16, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
Featuring “The Pharmacist’s Role in Ending the Tobacco Pandemic,” presented by Alan Blum, MD at Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy, February 18, 2011 (57:06)
Alan Blum, M.D., Director
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