Big Tobacco in the Big Apple

How New York City Became the Heart of the Tobacco Industry
…and Anti Smoking Activism

Philip Morris’ Charitable Write-Offs

Lining Up for Cigarette Money (0:48)


“Ardie has a hot lunch date.”

Philip Morris promotional magazine advertisement for its support of Meals on Wheels

“Without You, There’s No Way.”

Acknowledgment of Philip Morris financial contributions to United Way

“Before the Strive Program this was their only hope for a corner office”

Philip Morris promotional magazine advertisement for its support of STRIVE, a job training/job placement program for the disadvantaged
The New York Times, page 6-E
September 23, 1990

“I help hungry people get fresh and wholesome food. And that just feels good.”

Philip Morris promotional magazine advertisement for its support of the Houston Food Bank

“Working to make a difference. The people of Philip Morris.”

Public relations brochures


Newspaper advertisement by the New York Public Library acknowledging corporate sponsors
The New York Times
December 23, 2005

“Dear New York”

Philip Morris newspaper advertisement soliciting funds for the New York Vietnam Veterans Memorial
New York Daily News
April 2, 1985

“You’re never too old to help the hungry. Just ask George.”

Philip Morris promotional magazine advertisement for its support of the National Meals On Wheels Foundation

“Clean waters and streams. The prescription for a healthy environment.”

Philip Morris magazine advertisement promoting its support for a cleaner environment

“Katya’s mom no longer worries where her next meal is coming from.”

Philip Morris promotional magazine advertisement for its support of feeding the hungry

“Strengthening Resolve Building Resilience”

Philip Morris USA Youth Smoking Prevention brochure
April 2000

“We threw a wrench in Marci’s plans.”

Philip Morris promotional magazine advertisement for its support of Miller Brewing Company’s “Tools for Success” program

“The Bill of Rights was not ordained by nature or God. It’s very human and very fragile.”

Philip Morris promotional newspaper advertisement featuring former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan

“Philip Morris Companies Inc. has for a very long time contributed significant funds to AIDS research”

Philip Morris statement responding to a position paper by the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) calling for an international boycott of Marlboro
April 26, 1990

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