08:51:512018-11-14 09:55:18Journal article by William A. Check urging physicians to take a supportive, positive approach when discussing smoking cessation with patients; Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 242, no. 26, pages 2831-32; December 28, 1979 08:51:432018-11-14 09:55:06Journal article by William A. Check urging physicians to take a supportive, positive approach when discussing smoking cessation with patients; Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 242, no. 26, pages 2831-32; December 28, 1979 08:36:472018-11-14 08:41:27Transcript of NBC news story reported by Bob Roberts; September 29, 1981 08:33:142018-11-14 08:44:19Mailgram from Alan Blum, MD, to Louis Rukeyser, host of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series Wall Street Week in Review, regarding the divestment of tobacco stocks by the AMA; September 30, 1981 08:29:092018-11-14 08:45:08News article by Christina Kent about the presence of shares in tobacco companies in the 401(k) plan of AMA employees; Physician’s Weekly; March 24, 1997 08:29:022018-11-14 08:42:15News article with editorial cartoon by Wayne Stayskal; Medical World News, page 16; October 26, 1981 08:28:282018-11-14 08:42:59Editorial cartoon by Wayne Stayskal; Chicago Tribune; June 15, 1981 08:07:182018-11-14 08:12:05Feature article; New York Daily News; August 6, 1978 08:07:122018-11-14 08:14:36AMA news release about the publication of its report entitled Tobacco and Health; July 17, 1978